Dear valued customers, friends & family,
What a year it has been... and where do we even begin.
Tumultuous, testing, trying, testament, tenacious. There's so many words which we could have used to describe it.
It has definitely been a year which tested all our resolve and courage.
A year which unlike any other which we have experienced.
A year of change and a year of adapting.
A year, which none of us could have predicted the outcome to.
Unless of course if you were the amazing Paul the Octopus, you might have just known all these.
We would like to thank all of you for many things.
Thank you for being there for us.
Thank you for participating in our social media.
Thank you for buying that bag of coffee. Thank you for drinking that cuppa of Coffex Coffee.
Thank you for sharing our stories.
Thank you for staying with us through the tough times.
Thank you for being you!
We bid TwentyTwenty(So good they named it twice) goodbye!
Let's look forward to 2021, to a greater and better year!
Coffex Team